
An Off-Grid Vertical Farm Concept

How much would it rock to have a building with my own veggies in it? Answer: a lot. One of the things I love about the Fens in Boston is the community garden area. When I lived in that area, I used to walk through as often as I could just to soak in the vegetables and other greenery that people were working on. I hate gardening myself due to hours of back-breaking potato harvesting as a child, but I'd love to live in a building that had its own gardens. I'd plant a few little trees and make a nice shady area to have a barbecue. Or perhaps grow hemp for its many industrial uses. The trend toward greener buildings is a good one. I was very interested in the Macallen Building when it was going up in South Boston. The price tag is way outside my current range, though. And I would have to move to South Boston. And I would have to live in a condo. Not sure I could go for that; it'd feel like living in a commune where it's always my night to make the lentil casserole.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.